Discover the art of saying no!
And say goodbye to feeling guilty when you put your needs first.
Discover the art of saying no!
And say goodbye to feeling guilty when you put your needs first.
I’ve got a hunch you’re a yes person, right? Most likely you feel trapped agreeing to things you don’t really want to do, but you saying no makes you uncomfortable. When you put yourself last too often, (with kids, husbands, parents, friends and colleagues all coming before you), you can end up feeling frustrated, irritable and stressed by the demands being made upon you.
How do you feel when you say no?
Worried and anxious about other people’s reactions?
Stuck playing the scenario over and over in your head until there’s a knot in your stomach?
Weighed down with worry, and making excuses to say yes instead?
If saying no stresses you out, then you need some simple strategies to build your boundaries, which is why I’ve created this free eBook The Art of Saying No!. After all, if you’re busy looking after everyone else’s needs, who is looking after you?
When you say yes too often, it can lead to, exhaustion, low self-worth and brewing resentment. It’s a place that allows your inner critic to get louder, as your confidence to ask for what you want diminishes. Saying no isn’t easy, (I’m not going to lie, I have trouble at times), but I do know there are 5 easy steps to conquer this resistance and feel comfortable with no.
It’s time to re-evaluate your priorities and give yourself a simple place to understand your needs.
To get really comfortable with saying no, you need some go-to one-liners that feel natural, and that’s what I’ve created here for you to practise.
When you’re under pressure it can put you in a tailspin, so I’ll share my strategies for buying yourself some time.
This step isn’t as scary as it sounds, but it’s important to know when to compromise and when to hold fast to your boundaries.
What does it really mean to say no? I’ll help you see your no from another perspective in this final section.
Practicing Clinical Psychologist, Mum of two and wannabe aerobics instructor! In my private practice I see many clients who have trouble saying no, and that can lead to a deep sense of dissatisfaction in life. I was fortunate to be raised in a family where we were taught how to articulate our boundaries and say no with ease, but if this hasn’t been your experience, then chances are you find it tough. I want you to feel confident, safe and strong enough to say no when you need to, which is why I created this eBook.